Stanford Pratical Machine Learning-Boosting
本文最后更新于:1 年前
这一章主要介绍Boosting,也是另外一种模型组合方案。本质就是一种训练多个弱模型,组合成强模型。主要目的是通过多个模型的决策结果来减少偏差。弱模型 -> 强模型。
- Learn n weak learners sequentially, combine to reduce model bias
- At step t, repeat:
- Evaluate the existing learners’ errors $\epsilon_t$
- Train a weak learner $\hat{f}_p$, focus on wrongly predicted examples
- AdaBoost: Re-sample data according to $\epsilon_t$
- Gradient boosting: Train learner to predict $\epsilon_t$
- Additively combining existing weak learners with $\hat{f}_t$
Gradient Boosting
- Supports arbitrary differentiable loss
- $H_t(x)$: output of combined model at timestep t, with $H_l(x) = 0$
- For each step t, repeat:
- Train a new learner $\hat{f}t$ on residuals: ${(x_i, y_i - H_i(x_i)}{i = 1,\dots,m}$
- Combine $H_{t+1}(x) = H_t(x) + \eta \hat{f}_t(x)$
- The learning rate $\eta$ is the shrinkage parameter for regularization
- MSE $L = \frac{1}{2}(H(x) - y) ^ 2$, , residual equals negative gradient $y - H(x) = -\frac{\part{L}}{\part{H}}$
- Other boosting algorithms (e.g. AdaBoost) can also be replaced in the gradient descent in the function space
Gradient Boosting Code
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Gradient Boosting Decision Trees (GBDT)
- Use decision tree as the weak learner
- Regularize by a small max_depth and randomly sampling features
- Sequentially constructing trees runs slow
- Popular libraries use accelerated algorithms, e.g. XGBoost, lightGBM
Stanford Pratical Machine Learning-Boosting